Leveraging the Combined Power of Liquit and Intune

In today’s fast-paced landscape, the efficient management of applications is paramount. As you’re well aware, the influx of applications, the ability to access and deliver them, and the need to keep them updated all the time present ongoing challenges for IT departments like yours.

Many organisations worldwide are using Liquit to manage their applications. Here are four reasons why you should have a look at their application management platform:

  • Improved user experience for End Users. They simply can always work no matter the location, device or underlying technology.
  • Save time and money – By freeing your IT team from the time stuck on delivery, access, permissions, and versions for hundreds/thousands of applications.
  • Most comprehensive application store in the market –  with 4,000+ curated applications at your fingertips for the right application easily and immediately accessible.
  • Your last migration tool – by connecting all existing back-end to ensure a phased migration without every again disrupting the end user.

Liquit and Intune help businesses maintain stringent compliance and governance standards while enabling a flexible and remote work environment. Security becomes proactive with ongoing monitoring, timely updates, and continuous reinforcement of security protocols like centralised SSO.

Liquit creates a unified workspace that aggregates applications and resources into a single, intuitive interface. Through compatibility with Intune, Liquit enables IT teams to provision applications seamlessly across devices, providing users with consistent access to their work environment. This unified approach eliminates the need for users to navigate multiple portals, simplifying the user experience and reducing the learning curve.

Want to know more?

The linked white paper below explores the many benefits of leveraging the capabilities of Liquit and Intune by explaining the potential they hold in shaping the future of the modern Workspace.

For more information and pricing for any of our services either for yourself or for your customers you can contact us below